27. 至上なる気付き


[彼]が存在していない場所などあるのでしょうか? あなたがそれを知る遥か以前より、[彼]はあらゆる場所に存在し、[彼の大いなる至福]によって空間を埋め尽くしていたのです。こうして献身者たちにとって、この全宇宙は、[至上なるもの]の至福に満ちた表現に溢れているのです。


*サダカ: サダナ(瞑想)の実践者

スバシタ・サングラハ 第5巻より



Supreme realization

“Is there a place where He does not reside?  He was residing in every place, long before you even knew it existed, filling its space with His Cosmic bliss.  Thus, for the devotees, this entire universe is a blissful expression of the Supreme One.

Behind this playful stance of the Cosmic Entity lies His eternal immutable stance, which is a passive witness to the ever-changing forms of His Macropsychic manifestation.  When devotees see His mutable forms with genuine spiritual vision they realize that they are already ensconced in His immutable stance.
This is the state of supreme realization.  In this state the miseries caused by the binding fetters vanish and the Sa’dhakas become illuminated by the sweet touch of the playful, blissful, immutable Parama Purus’a.  This is the supreme spiritual fulfillment”.

(Subha’s’ita Samgraha, Part-V)