37. 実在的な知識を通して



スバシタ・サングラハ 第6巻より

*プラクリティ: 至高の活動原理。ブランマ(宇宙意識)を構成する2つの要素の内のひとつで、プルシャ(純粋意識)の宇宙創造を3つの活動因子によってサポートする。



Through real knowledge

The practice of Sa’dhana’ aims at converting the crude physical energy into subtle psychic energy,
and the psychic energy into spiritual energy or cognitive faculty,  and in the final stage enables the practitioner to become one with the Supreme entity.  Thus in successive stages,  sa’dhana’ converts matter into energy, energy into idea,  idea into Consciousness,  and at the highest stage,  ensconces one within Supreme Consciousness”.
       So the goal of Sa’dhana’ is to establish one’s self in the Cognitive principle (Purus’a).   Purus’a is everywhere in everything.  In fact,  every manifestation is a form of Purus’a bound by the principles of Prakrti.
Your goal is not the Purus’a bound by the principles of Prakrti ;  your goal is that Purus’a in whom Prakrti lies dormant,  the Purus’a who is free from all bondage.  You will have to realize through real knowledge that He is absolutely unblemished,  all-knowing and unbiased.   While performing actions you must remember that the manifested world of both individual and collective forms is His manifestation,  and through devotion you should realise that He is the life of your life,  the lord of your inner heart.  You should not try to look for any other entity”. 

Ba’ba’… (From Subha’sita Sam’graha, Part-VI)