39. 偉大なるものの魅惑



スバシタ・サングラハ 第7巻より




The attraction of the Great

The movement caused by the attraction of the Great is called true devotion.   Physical clash also produces a type of devotion but that is static in nature.  And the devotion caused by psychic clash is mutative in nature.  Actually, there is very little difference between the devotion born out of psychic clash and that born out of the observance of the moral code.  Those devotees who do not nurture a desire for the Supreme cannot feel the sweetness of sentient devotion.  Their minds are full of petty thoughts,  their outlook is that of one engaged in a commercial transaction.  Ideation on the Supreme is the only way to attain real bliss.  Attraction of the Great is the only genuine devotion”.

(From Subha’sita Sa’mgraha VII)

P.S.   Physical clash, psychic clash and attraction of the great are the three factors/forces that cause evolution, elevation & expansion of the unit mind/self. Physical clash happens during the struggle for existence/survival (mostly in the physical environment). Psychic clash happens in the mental, emotional & social arena (of individual & collective life). Attraction of the Great happens in the psycho-spiritual & spiritual realm (in longing for the supreme & for cosmic connection & union).