40. 予言に左右されることなく




*サダカ: 霊性の修行者
*マドゥーヴィッデャ: 別名グルマントラとしても知られるセカンドレッスン、いかなる行動や活動においても、それを行う際(前)にとる観念化の行法



Regardless of predictions

One day I was with three other a’ca’ryas in Baba’s room and He suddenly started to explain astrology, astronomy and the solar system.  He drew a diagram of the solar system and explained about the future.
       He said,  “Astrology and astronomy are based on mathematics, that is why their predictions about the future are to a certain degree accurate.  Predictions can be made through palmistry too.  Many people do not leave home for work without first thinking:  ‘Will this be a good day for traveling or not?’
         “But you are sa’dhakas;  you should ideate on madhuvidya*,  the second lesson,  and go ahead with whatever you want to do,  regardless of predictions.  Just remember Parama Purus’a and go ahead with your work.”

From  “The Tantric Guru”..story by Dada Mahaviirananda

P.S. * Madhuvidya is the second lesson..known also as the “Guru mantra”, which we ideate on when(& before) doing any actions or activity.