*クラクンダリニー: 脊椎の最下部に位置するムラダーラチャクラに眠る霊的なパワー
*ムドラー: 印、手振り
All animals with a spinal cord have..
Once, in the 1960’s, a cow started to graze near the Ranchi ashram. Because of this, one of the devotees asked Ba’ba’, “Do animals also have Kulakundalini?”.*
Ba’ba’ answered, “All animals with a spinal cord have kulakundalini.”
Then Ba’ba’ asked the devotee, “Would you like to see the movement of the kulakundalini in that cow?”
The devotee said, “Yes”.
Ba’ba’ made a mudra’** and pointed at the cow. Her body jerked upwards and she began to dance, swaying from side to side, as if intoxicated(drunk).
Ba’ba’ said, “She will die after a short while, and will be reborn as a human being”.
From “The Tantric guru” by Dada Mahaviirananda.
P.S. * “Kulakundalini” is the spiritual force staying in dormant form at the Muladhara (lowermost) cakra.
** “mudra” means hands gesture