44. すべてのものの幸福を願うなら


人々がより寛大で広い心を持つようにさえなれば 、偏狭さや暴力、憎しみや卑しさを掻き立てるカースト主義や部族主義、地域主義や国家主義等の感情は克服されるのです。社会福祉の領域に「私のもの」とか「あなたのもの」といった感情が持ち込まれると、実際上人間社会には対立が生まれてしまうのです。






If we wish the welfare of every living being

“As people become more generous and broadminded,  they rise above the feelings of casteism,  tribalism,  provincialism and nationalism,  which evoke narrowness,  violence,  hatred and meanness.  Those who enter the field of social welfare with feelings of “mine” and “your’s” actually create divisions in human society.
Those who wish to foster the welfare of living beings as a whole have to embrace universalism as the only alternative.  If we look upon everything as our own,  the question of “mine” and “yours” will dissolve;  in universalism there is no opportunity for violence, hatred or narrowness”.

From (Problem of the Day, 28)

P.S. Baba said the philosophy and outlook of Neo-humanism is indeed universalism.